We've been having some problems with the static hazard for a while now. They were planned as spike-traps: walk onto it, it impales you. Problem with that is, if you're impaled, sliding doesn't make sense. Our planned solution was to have the impaling animation happen on death or pushing something over the spike-trap: spikes shoot up through the block, emerge out the top, recede again.
We've bitten the bullet however, and taken it in a different direction. Static hazards are now fire-glyphs, marked by this suitably intriguing and dangerous-looking orange symbol, intended to be reminiscent of the sun's rays. Stepping on them will play a whoosing fire-ignition sound and emit a shower of flame particles. Also of note is a similar symbol for the start and exit platforms, this time in a pale blue and reminiscent of a lotus flower. That's right, we've finally replaced the placeholder that's been there for so long! The other thing I wanted to show off today is the scarab icons in the top left corner. These (along with the move/death counters on the left) will be visible when the in-game menu is opened, as well as on the level-end splash screen.